Implementing and Evaluating a Virtual Continuing Professional Development Platform for Nurse Anesthetists in Cameroon (State of the Science Oral Poster Session) (.25 Class A CE)
The AANA Foundation's State-of-the-Science Oral Poster Session features sixteen CRNAs and/or SRNAs presenting their research findings classroom-presentation style. Each researcher is given 15 minutes in which to present their research and answer questions. Presentations will be focused in two areas- research and evidence-based projects.
Learning Objectives:
Identify three challenges nurse anesthetists in Cameroon face to deliver safe, evidence-based anesthesia care.
Compare and contrast the unique challenges in providing continuous professional development in resource constrained settings as compared to resource abundant settings.
Describe cultural humility and its relevance in transnational education and practice.
Identify opportunities for transnational sharing of anesthesia best practices.