Cricothyrotomy is a high acuity, low occurrence (HALO) procedure that has significant ramifications for the patient as well as the anesthesia provider. “Cric it while it’s hot!” refers to the performance of a cricothyrotomy procedure at the appropriate time, before hypoxic brain injury, and while the patient still has a pulse. The decision to act and the actual performance of this lifesaving procedure can be improved with an understanding of the three cricothyrotomy techniques and with consistent, regular training. You won’t want to miss this discussion on cricothyrotomy, the current debates, and a cricothyrotomy demonstration.
Learning Objectives:
Examine current research, airway algorithms, and guidelines from professional airway management organizations pertaining to the various cricothyrotomy procedures.
Identify appropriate indications and situations requiring a cricothyrotomy.
Demonstrate an effective and affordable practice model that allows consistent training in the various cricothyrotomy techniques.